
Family Feud Fail Worst In Game Show History?

If I catch an episode of Family Feud, I will typically watch and guess along to the end, and then pass on the “Fast Money” portion of the show most of the time.

The reason is that it’s frustratingly predictable:

The winning family selects one person that’s bright and has good guesses….and a dud. Said dud should never have been allowed anywhere near the chance at $20,000, but apparently he or she is somebody’s favorite.

At least until AFTER they blow it for everyone.

What usually happens is that the first person guesses well and the family needs 70 or 80 points more. Then dud barely gets half of that amount and everyone’s disappointed, but hopeful they can come back and try again.

Rare is the duo of talented guessers that can pile up the points and win thousands multiple times.

The Sass family looked like it didn’t even need a talented duo of “Fast Money” players. The first person in this now viral video managed a whopping 182 points alone.

This is because they clearly managed to guess mostly top answers. All that was needed was for the man’s daughter to come out and make a couple of guesses. Heck even one good guess would have gifted them twenty grand.

All the hard work was done, right? All they needed was 18 points!

Unfortunately, the Sass family did not get those 18 points.

In fact, after five guesses (or rather two guesses and three passes) the woman got absolutely NOTHING.

You can see she knew how badly she screwed up and her family members did try to console her because television cameras were rolling; they couldn’t kill her right on stage in front of all those witnesses.

Many are calling this Family Feud fail the worst in game show history. The “Achilles” college student who made an epic error on Wheel Of Fortune might have something to say about that.

Check out the now infamous fail for yourselves.

Guess the top answers and see if you could have done better! I’ll go out on a limb and say, “Yes.”

Image via YouTube