
Facebookers Force Fed Terrible Android App in the Hopes It’ll Make Them Want to Fix It

One down, on to the next one I guess.

Today, Facebook unveiled its slick, blazingly fast new iOS app. Facebook is touting its impressive speed – over twice as fast as previous versions they say. And I’ll be damned – they’re telling the truth. It is, in fact, a great update to the previously horrendous iOS app.

But Facebook employees won’t get to use it.

That’s because Facebook management has instituted an iPhone-free policy around the workplace. According to “a handful of ex Facebookers” and other people familiar with the matter, Facebook employees are being twisted into using Android phones. And it’s not because they wants to piss off Apple or because they wants to get tight with Google, it instead has its roots in motivational technique.

According to Business Insider, Facebook knows that its Android app is not very good, wants to change that, and thinks that forcing employees to use it will make it easier to fix what’s wrong with it.

Sounds legit.

Facebook did release an update for their Android app today, but it simply added multiple photo uploading and better event creation. No huge overhaul. No blazing fast speed. No big celebratory post from Mark Zuckerberg.

So, will forcing employees to eat their own dog food help Facebook achieve the same kind of successful update with Android as they just unveiled with iOS? We’ll find out soon enough. And for Android users, the sooner the better.