
Facebook Wants To Make Sure You Don’t Miss Another Engagement Or Wedding

Facebook constantly guilts me into wishing friends a Happy Birthday. I’m terrible with remembering dates so I’m glad the feature is there. Facebook is adding the same reminders for engagements and weddings which will be good for me as all my friends start to get married.

Speaking to The Next Web, a Facebook spokesperson said that the feature is all about sharing the important events in your life with friends:

Facebook has become a unique way people share and congratulate friends around exciting life events such as engagements and weddings or the arrival of a child. To make it easier to keep up with these momentous occasions and to ensure you can share in your friends’ joy, we are rolling out a “Weddings and Celebrations” feature. Beginning today, special events starting with engagements and weddings will be displayed along with friends’ birthdays when you log into Facebook.

I almost feel like this particular feature was inspired by Mark Zuckerberg’s marriage. Chris Hughes, co-founder of Facebook, could have used the feature as well when he married his boyfriend. It seems like events in the lives of Facebook employees help shape new features such as when Facebook added organ donor status after CEO Sheryl Sandberg ran into a doctor friend who suggested the idea.

I have a friend getting married pretty soon so this feature will help me not to forget to wish him congratulations. Now that Facebook has added the ability for same-sex couples to express their marriage status, even more people will be able to share the momentous occasion of getting married to their Facebook profile. Don’t forget to ask for plenty of gifts while you’re at it!