
Facebook Timeline On Mobile: What It Looks Like

As you may know, Facebook finally made the Timeline feature available to anyone who wants it today. They also said they’ll consider providing a “consistent” experience for brands in the future (though the timing on that is unknown).

As part of the announcement today, Facebook said Timelines would also be available for Android and m.facebook.com. iOS is mysteriously missing, but I have to assume that will be on the way sooner rather than later. It is interesting that they went Android first, given that with the recently refreshed mobile app, they went with iOS quite a while before Anrdoid. In fact, the Android app only received the overhaul in the past week or so. iPhone users, can presumably still access the feature via m.facebook.com though.

Here are some screenshots of what it looks like on mobile:

Facebook mobile timeline

Facebook mobile timeline

Facebook mobile timeline

Facebook mobile timeline

Facebook mobile timeline

Facebook mobile timeline

“Mobile timeline starts with your unique cover photo,” says Facebook Product Manager Mick Johnson. “As you scroll down, you’ll see your posts, photos and life events as they happened, back to the day you were born. Photo albums and other posts are horizontally swipeable, so you can quickly view multiple photos or posts inline without leaving timeline. You can also swipe through the views at the top of your timeline to navigate to your map, photos, subscribers and more.”

“Your posts now appear in several different ways on your mobile timeline,” he adds. “The photos you share are bigger, and friends you’re with and places you visit appear on a map.”

Have you activated the timeline yet? What do you think.

Related reading:

Facebook Timeline: Now You Can Put Your Whole Life On Facebook. Will You?
Facebook Timelines Being Considered For Brands