
Facebook Responds To “Discover New Games” Problem

This morning we ran a story about a problem with Facebook’s “Discover New Games” feature. Some users who visited Facebook’s games page were being told that their friends were playing certain games. In many cases, though, those friends had either not played the game in a long time, or had never played it at all.

I sent Facebook a request for comment, but had not received a reply by the time the story ran. This afternoon, a Facebook spokesperson sent me the following statement:

We have fixed a bug in the “discover new games” module which had resulted in a small percentage of users seeing recommendations for games friends may not have played recently. The issue has been resolved and is rolling out to all users now, so that the feature shows recommendations based on games friends are currently playing.

So it looks like the problem is in the process of being fixed. So if you’re still seeing this issue (which doesn’t appear to have affected a whole lot of people anyway), it should be resolved for you soon.

Have you noticed this problem? Is the fix in place for you yet? Let us know in the comments.