
Facebook Premium Ads Demo Tool Now Available For You To Play With

All Facebook noticed today that Facebook, in an effort to lure brands to sign on with the company’s Premium service, launched a demo tool to preview the layouts available with the Premium account. Essentially, after dressing up your sponsored stories and premium ads, you get to verify what it looks like to your audience.

On the content composer, you see the familiar Timeline page where all of the content goes (name, cover photo, Page post, etc.) although the demo states that other types of Page posts will be arriving soon. At the bottom, you’ll notice the function that allows you to select a friend to appear in a sponsored story (for some reason, my demo used somebody named Nathan Price – I didn’t even know I knew someone with that name). I uploaded some generic pics to this page so you can see how it will look in the finished demo. (And yes, I have a Peter Schilling song stuck in my head right now, hence the name of my Page.)

After you selected the person you want to include in your post, the next page will show you the story appearing as a sponsored story on the right-hand side of the Facebook page to someone who likes your page.

For those that don’t like Like your page, they’ll see the premium ad layout.

Additionally, if you should choose to publish this story as a sponsored story, you can also see how it will appear in the mobile app form.

If you want to play around with multiple demos or go back and edit some you already created, Facebook saves them to your page so you can share them, delete them, or just go back and look and marvel at your beautiful handiwork. The tool is currently available….. here!