
Facebook Places Restrictions on Wholesale Event Invitations

If you’re the kind of person who throws caution to the wind when choosing who to invite to your events (otherwise known as the “select all” crowd), it looks like Facebook is beginning to get more serious about restricting you.

Some users are getting a message from Facebook when they attempt to invite a large number of users to a single event.

“We’re sorry, but you seem to be sending invitations to people who aren’t interested in accepting them. Please make sure you’re only inviting people you know and think would enjoy this event. You’ll only be able to send invitations again once more people have accepted.”

So, what gives?

Facebook seems to be enforcing an event-oriented rule that only allows for 100 invites at a single time – and more importantly only 300 pending invites. That means that if you have over 300 invites out there with no response, you can’t send any more until a few people join, maybe, or decline your event.

Facebook explains the rules on its help page:

You can invite an unlimited number of people to events, but you can only invite 100 people at a time. Once you invite the first 100 people, you can then start inviting more.

Also, you can only have 300 pending invites at one time for an event. Some people will have to respond to your event invite before you’ll be able to add more.

Remember, Facebook isn’t capping invites to a single event. You can invite as many people as you want. But you just have to do it a bit more slowly.

[Mari Smith via AllFacebook]