
Facebook Pages Manager for Android Begins Soft Launch

Good news today for Android users who operate Facebook Pages. Facebook has begun to roll out a version of its Pages Manager app for Android devices (it was previously only available for iOS).

Like the iOS version, the Android app gives pages admins the ability to manage their pages from a dedicated app, as well as view page insights.

Although the Pages Manager app does currently appear in the Google Play store, it’s only available in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (noted Facebook testing locales). Inside Facebook confirms that Facebook plans to make it available in the U.S. and the U.K. soon.

Facebook first debuted their standalone Pages Manger app for iOS back in May of 2012. Since then, the company has been beefing it up, allowing users to do more with the app. In September, an update let page admins promote specific posts directly from the app. A couple of weeks later, Facebook brought Offers to the Pages Manager app.

Yesterday, Facebook updated its standalone Messenger app to give it voice messaging capabilities and VoIP calling in Canada.