
Facebook Notifications Less Irksome Than Email Lists

A new survey conducted by consumer research firms Chadwick Martin Bailey and Constant Contact reveals that people typically “Like” a business’ page on Facebook for the same reason they subscribe to emails from businesses: the promise of getting free stuff.

The study, which included 1,481 adults living in the United States, found that consumers are motivated to “Like” a company on Facebook if they believe they’ll be getting special discounts or be able to take part in special promotions. What’s more, the study found that most people still preferred to get their Facebook multivitamins via a computer as opposed to mobile app although that statistic doesn’t hold true to the younger adults. Participants aged 18 to 30 primarily use smartphones or cell phones to access Facebook.

CMB put together an infographic of their findings about how people engage businesses on Facebook. The peculiar take-away from the graphic is really how much people’s consumer behavior on Facebook really does mimic consumer behavior via email. People seem to be more forgiving of business’ on Facebook, though, as 42% said that they “Unlike” a page because it has “too many notifications” whereas 69% of consumers said if they feel like they’re getting too many emails from a business, they’ll unsubscribe from the email list.

Have a peek at the infographic below for more interesting Facebook/email trivia.

[Via ZDNet]