
Facebook Lets Advertisers Get In Front Of The Same People More Frequently

Facebook recently announced changes to frequency limits on ads in an email to agencies. DigiDay got ahold of the email, and shared the relevant excerpt, which explains the changes for different scenarios.

“We are always looking to improve the News Feed experience for people,” Facebook said in the email. “On an ongoing basis, we implement changes to improve the quality and types of content people discover in News Feed. As a part of these changes, starting August 6th, we’re making changes to increase the number of times people can see ads from a Page in their News Feed per day.”

“We know that businesses like yourself want to get relevant content to people in News Feed but have historically been limited by frequency caps,” it said. “To ensure businesses are better able to build awareness and drive business results through News Feed, we’re making changes that enables (sic) businesses to reach people with more relevant content. With these changes: a single ad can be inserted in News Feed up to twice per day (up from one); ads from a Page a person is not connected to can be inserted into the News Feed up to twice per day (previously only one per Page a day); ads from a Page a person is connected to can be inserted into News Feed up to four times per day (remains consistent from before).”

I suppose this is some small comfort for brands that have taken a beating in organic reach, and are trying to compensate with paid reach. At least now, you can get in front of non-fans a little bit more. This might be slightly more annoying for users, however.

It wouldn’t be surprising to raise the limits another notch in the future. A recent study commissioned by the company found that sequenced ads perform better. It suggests you’re more likely to get a conversion of you tell a story through a sequence of ads.

Image via Facebook