
Facebook in the Car, Turning an iPod into an iPhone

electronic devices

CrunchGear has an unconfirmed report that OnStar will begin including the ability to update your Facebook status. This would make sense, considering the recent launch of Facebook Places, which allows you to check in.

Google introduced its Google Instant feature today, which provides search results as Google users type their queries. Some search marketers are concerned about how they might be affected. More on this topic here.

TechCrunch reports that a company called Kno has raised $55 million, and will create what investor Marc Andreessen says will be "the most powerful tablet anyone has ever made." That should be interesting. 

MG Siegler points to a humorous Twitter account from his personal blog, Parislemon. The account "translates" the tweets of rapper 50 cent into English, providing retweets of 50’s original post for context. 

Jorgen Sundberg has an interesting post about how to make Google love your Twitter profile. I haven’t tested his tips, so I can’t vouch for the accuracy of his post, but it’s worth checking out. 

Greg Sterling points to a speech from Eric Schmidt this week in which he says, "One in three queries from smartphones is about where I am."  

MacDailyNews reports that Notre Dame has launched paperless iPad courses: 

Geek.com reports that the Yosion Apple Peel 520, which lets you turn an iPod Touch into a smartphone that can send and receive calls and texts, is coming to the U.S. It’s apparently coming now that jailbreaking is legal. 

According to comScore numbers, Gawker Media and the Huffington Post both get more monthly unique visitors than any major newspaper site, except for the New York times. That’s more than USAToday, The Washington Post, The LA Times, or the Wall Street Journal. More at The Awl

MobileCrunch looks at the release of Yahoo’s open-source User Interface library,

According to Asymoco, app downloads on iTunes are on pace to surpass song downloads this year. On a related note, Cnet reports that Apple doesn’t have all of the licenses it needs to expand the length of iTunes song samples.  

According to Gizmodo, Justin Bieber takes up 3% of Twitter resources at any moment, and Bieber (along with other big users) have dedicated Twitter servers. 

The EFF weighed in on the topic of Craigslist censoring, talking specifically about what it means for free speech. Meanwhile, the Huffington Post has an article called "Thoughts From a Former Craigslist Sex Worker".  

Bing launched a new site today called Redu, which was built "to help people come and get informed, involved, and connected to challenges, opportunities, and activities focused on improving education" in the U.S.

Microsoft Advertising announced that it is launching third-party ad serving for mobile in the U.S. "Our solution enables agencies and advertisers to use trusted third party ad servers such as Microsoft Atlas and Google’s DART to serve mobile display ads on all of our premium Microsoft Mobile Media properties including MSN Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Windows Live Hotmail and Messenger, MSNBC, FOX Sports, CNBC and Wonderwall," says Microsoft’s Raj Kapoor. "Advertisers and agencies will now be able to centrally manage their ad campaigns and reporting using trusted and proven third-party systems." 

MySpace has introduced a new way to experience video in the stream. Users can watch videos instantly from their stream.