
Facebook IDing Might Render Your Fake ID Useless

Remember when a simple fake ID was all you needed to get into your local bar? Back in my day, all I needed was a questionable driver’s license with a photo of someone who had my same hair color that said I was 35 and I was in. Ok, I’ll admit – it wasn’t that long ago. But a lot has changed in six years.

Now, an underage teen has to show two forms of ID? Bollocks. And starting soon, your Facebook profile might just give you away.

The BBC is reporting a rising trend in the world of bouncers. Apparently, some doormen in the UK are making patrons verify their identity via Facebook. Bouncers have started to request people turn over their phones and are double-checking their Facebook identity to make sure it matches the one in the photo ID.

“I kind of just logged onto it [Facebook] and showed him the screen and then he didn’t question it any further,” one bargoer told BBC’s Newsbeat.

Of course, this move could obviously foil anyone using an ID that wasn’t really theirs. It could also foil anyone who had modified their ID to state that they are older than they really are. Clever underage bargoers could preempt the checkpoint by simply lying on their Facebook page, however.

Nick Pickles from the UK group Big Brother Watch is not a fan of the practice.

“Not only is it ridiculous from a security point of view, it’s an affront to the basic rights of people to be able to live their lives in private,” he said.

While the BBC quoted some bouncers who think that there’s nothing wrong with Facebook-ID’ing and actually think that it’s an effective method to keep underage kids out of their bars, I talked to my local doorman and he had a different opinion on the practice.

“That’s stupid,” said my anonymous bouncer. “Fake IDs are easy enough to spot. I don’t need to Facebook stalk everyone that walks through the door.”

“You know, unless she’s hot and I want to snag her phone number.”

What do you think? Would you be OK with showing your Facebook profile to a bouncer? Let us know in the comments.