
Facebook Hiding Spam Comments, Adding Comment Permalinks

Do you ever get those comments on your Facebook wall posts that are just mean, hateful or just stupid? You can remove them as the admin of a page, but Facebook is making it easier for page admins to hide those kinds of comments.

The Facebook + Journalists page has posted a photo that details the changes coming to the commenting system. The post explains itself well enough:

Hidden Comments: Low quality, pre-moderated comments are now hidden instead of being grayed out. This makes the experience of reading through your comment thread much better. You can still click to see the hidden comments and unmark them as spam if you wish.

That’s pretty cool and should make comment control for those brands that attract more ill will than most. It does have its drawbacks, however, as some users are reporting that non-spam comments are being incorrectly reported as scam. You can view the spam comments and rectify the spam classification, but it adds some extra work for the page admin.

If you clicked on that link in the previous paragraph, you were taken straight to a comment in the announcement. This is the second feature added – comment permalinks. Here’s the description:

This means that when you click on the timestamp of a comment, it will take you to a permalink to that page, highlighting the comment you selected. This will make sharing individual comments much easier.

These improvements are pretty awesome. They make comments much easier to point out especially in the bloated comment threads that you see on brand walls.