
Facebook Gives Page Admins One Last Shot At The Perfect Vanity URL

It’s been over three years since Facebook gave users the chance to select their own usernames, or vanity URLs. Before June of 2009, your profile (now Timeline) page URL ended with an ugly string of numbers and letters. Now, in order to make it easier for people to access your Facebook page, users have nice, succinct URLs like facebook.com/johndoe.

Soon after users selected their new vanity URLs, Facebook gave them a mulligan – the one-time-only chance to correct any mistakes they may have made.

Now, Facebook is giving the same one-time shot for page admins.

“Page admins are now able to change their own Vanity URLs (one-time only). To do this, go to the top of your Page by the Admin Panel and click Edit Page > Update Info > Basic Information > Change Username,” said a post on the Facebook Marketing page.

Here’s where you’ll find the option:

Remember, choose wisely!