
Why Facebook Users Add And Delete Friends [Infographic]

NM Incite, a Nielsen McKinsey company, has put out the following infographic looking at why Facebook users add and remove friends.

The top reason for adding a friend, according to their survey of nearly 2,000 adults, is knowing them in real life. Makes sense. The other reasons are interesting: 60% for mutual friends, 11% for business networks, 8% for physical attractiveness, 7% for increasing friend count (lame), 7% for friending everyone (lame), 7% for quality of photo, and 4% for their number of friends.

The top reason for removal is offensive comments. This is followed by: don’t know well (41%), trying to sell me something (39%), depressing comments (23%), lacking interaction (20%), political comments (14%), breakup/divorce (11%), don’t like their friends (8%), update profile too often (6%), they add too many people (6%), they don’t update enough (3%).

facebook friends and deletions

What’s your top reason for adding a friend? Removing a friend? Let us know in the comments.