
Europe’s PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Ad Is A Bit More Realistic

Sony makes some pretty amazing ads for its PlayStation products. The company’s latest live-action ad for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale was pretty impressive in how it captured the look and feel of all the characters present. Only problem? It was a little unrealistic.

Sony’s European branch has stepped in with its own live-action ad for the fan service brawler. I think you’ll find it to be a more realistic take on the kind of people you can expect to see playing the game.

Beyond the genius costume work at play here, the European ad makes one important distinction. It tells consumers about the cross buy feature that Sony is introducing with PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. It allows gamers to pick up the PS3 version of the game, and get the Vita version as a free download.

Either way, both ads are pretty awesome. You can decide which one you think is the best. Here’s the original US ad for comparison: