
eBay One Cent Auction Listings Today (August 30)

electronic devices

eBay announced that it is doing one cent auction-style listings for one day only – today.

eBay Seller Experience Vice President Todd Lutwak says:

On August 30, list Auction-style for just 1¢ Insertion Fees—even high-ticket items! This offer applies to listings on eBay.comeBay Motors Parts & Accessories and eBay Canada. Most categories are included—get complete details.

This promotion applies to both eBay Stores subscribers and sellers who do not have an eBay Store subscription. Sellers who do not have an eBay Store subscription are still eligible to list Auction-style listings for free—up to 50 listings per month. Once the free insertion fees have been used, the 1¢ promotional rate will apply to eligible listings.

This isn’t the first time eBay has done this of course. Every now and then, gives sellers one-day discounts on listings. Most recently, they offered one-cent listings on August 9 and July 25. Sometimes they’ll make the fee 5 cents or 25 cents.