
eBay Launches Social Media Seller Initiative

eBay sellers who use Twitter and Facebook on a regular basis might soon receive a bit of recognition for their efforts.  Something called the eBay Ink Social Media Seller program has launched, and while it’s still very much in the early stages, it’s not looking like a terrible idea.

Richard Brewer-Hay explained this afternoon on the eBay Ink blog, "We’ve been working on a program behind the scenes here at eBay that I’m hoping will help promote all of the great online sellers that are embracing social media tools as a way to augment their presence online, ultimately promoting their stores and sales."

The program’s payoff: badges that are supposed "to drive traffic to their social media seller profiles and/or their ecommerce stores."  Plus, at least at this point, a fair amount of publicity to split between not many folks.

You see, it seems that just six people (@ColderICE, @PowerSellingMom, @thesavvyseller, @galleriagifts, @auctionwally, and @katskloset) have been granted eBay Ink Social Media Seller status so far, meaning the label may be reserved for a fairly special set of individuals.  Which would mean the badges could be of real value.

We’ll see what happens, anyway.  Brewer-Hay indicated with regards to the whole program, "It’s something that we’re hoping to build upon over the coming months . . ."

In the meantime, eBay’s put together a simple page listing the sellers here and a Twitter feed here.