
eBay Eliminates “Stores” Navigational Tab

eBay has announced the removal of the navigation tab for Stores, which appeared at the top of each page. Unsurprisingly, more than a few sellers are taking issue with this.

In its announcement, eBay says:

eBay’s goal for the navigation tabs at the top of every page is to give buyers ready access to the most-used features on eBay. Since very few buyers currently use the Stores tab, and since all items in eBay Stores are now included in regular search results, the Stores tab will be removed from the navigation header this week.

To find your favorite eBay Stores and items within Stores quickly and easily, simply use the Advanced Search link located at the top of every eBay page.

eBay Stores

The eBay discussion forums are receiving a fair amount of feedback to the change. One comment says:

This is a typical Bait and Switch on eBay’s part.

First they persuade sellers to open stores so they will save on listing fees after the latest fee increase.

Now they want to eliminate the tab that drives some buyers to those stores…

eBay tells Stores sellers to continue "taking advantage" of the promotional tools like those listed here.

Did you find value in the Stores tab? Let us know.