
DuckDuckGo Gets Redesign

Alternative search engine DuckDuckGo has pushed out a subtle redesign, which is still customizable through the user settings.

The home page doesn’t look much different. It still looks like the image you see above.

The search results pages are a bit different. The header has gone from green to red, for example. There is a set of search suggestions on the right-hand side.

You can actually change the color to anything you want from the settings. That goes for not only the header, but: highlight, URLs, background, text, links, visited links and border.

In case you’re wondering why you should use DuckDuckGo instead of Google (or Bing), founder Gabriel Weinberg makes his case in this interview he did with WebProNews from last year:

In October, DuckDuckGo announced its first round of funding, led by Union Square Ventues. At the time, Brad Burnham wrote on the Union Square Ventures blog, ” We invested in DuckDuckGo because we became convinced that it was not only possible to change the basis of competition in search, it was time to do it.” He seemed to suggest that the investors see something in DuckDuckGo that reminds them of a young Google.

Hopefully the redesign is up to snuff for users, because the company has been taking feedback for it as it’s been going. The company said in a community post:

“The new visual design is live on the main site! Thank you all for the feedback and suggestions leading up to it.”

Do you use DuckDuckGo? What are your thoughts about the new design?

(Hat tip: Matt McGee)