
DuckDuckGo Experiences Major Growth

DuckDuckGo on Desktop - Image Credit DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo, the privacy-first search engine, is experiencing record growth as customers become more concerned about protecting their privacy.

According to a company tweet, the search engine touted “a record breaking August,” with some two billion searches, 4 million app/extension installs and an estimated 65 million active users. The company admits it doesn’t have an exact count as a result of the very same privacy that makes the search engine unique.

Despite DuckDuckGo’s growth, it still has a long way to go before it’s a threat to Google. The search giant currently controls 87.3%, with Bing a distant runner-up at 7.2%. Even Yahoo only has 3.41%. DuckDuckGo brings up fourth place with 1.75%.

Even so, as customers become more privacy-conscious, DuckDuckGo may soon start moving into third and second place.