
Don’t Expect The Next Windows To Actually Be Called Blue

For the past few months, it’s been rumored that the next operating system from Microsoft would be called WIndows Blue. It sounds like a code name, and Microsoft suggests that will remain the case.

In an update on the Official Microsoft Blog, Frank X. Shaw, Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications, updated us on what the company has planned for this year. He pretty much confirmed that Windows Blue would be part of those plans even if he wasn’t exactly forthcoming:

With a remarkable foundation of products in market and a clear view of how we will evolve the company, product leaders across Microsoft are working together on plans to advance our devices and services, a set of plans referred to internally as “Blue.” – N.B. chances of products being named thusly are slim to none. And don’t start with the “so you’re telling me there’s a chance” bit.

The most interesting takeaway from this is that Shaw says “Blue” refers to “devices and services.” The services would obviously be stuff like Windows Blue for desktops and phones, but what about devices? Is Microsoft readying all new Surface tablets, or could it be the oft-rumored Surface phone?

Shaw also hinted that the rumor of Windows Blue taking the operating system into an annual release cycle is more than just fantasy:

Our customers have already experienced the ongoing rhythm of updates and innovations over the past six months including new devices, new apps and services, better performance and new capabilities. This continuous development cycle is the new normal across Microsoft – we’ll tune everyday experiences as well as introduce bold, connected and exciting new scenarios.

So, when we will start hearing more about Windows Blue? Shaw hints that developers may see some of the stuff Microsoft has planned at Build 2013, Microsoft’s annual developer conference that’s set to take place on June 26.

[h/t: PCMAG]