
Doctor Who “Time Of The Doctor” Deleted Scene

This year’s Christmas means time with family and friends to share in the joy of Christ’s birth. For Doctor Who fans, this year’s Christmas marks a new milestone in the show’s history, because it was Matt Smith’s final Doctor Who episode and introduced Peter Capaldi as the twelfth generation of the TARDIS-flying Doctor.

The 2013 Doctor Who Christmas special “Time of the Doctor” aired all around the world on December 25th, 2013. In the United Kingdom, “Time of the Doctor” aired on the BBC and in America on BBC America. A brief synopsis of this Christmas special by IMDb has been provided below.

“The Doctor’s worst enemies, The Daleks, The Cybermen, The Angels and The Silence, return, as the doctor’s eleventh life comes to a close, and his twelfth life begins.”

After “Time of the Doctor” aired here in the United States on BBC America, a message displayed during the closing credits stating that if you follow the channel’s twitter account (@BBCAmerica), a tweet with a link to the deleted scene appeared shortly afterwards.

The deleted scene (provided below) takes place toward the start of “Time of the Doctor” when Clara (Jenna Louise-Coleman) invites the Doctor over for Christmas with her parents. In order not to spoil the story for you, this scene does make a reference to subject matter that happens later in the episode.

Various “Whovians” in the Twitterverse have expressed their feelings regarding the deleted scene, and I have provided their responses below.

Image via BBC America