
Do You Like The Google Experience Better This Way?

If you’re not a fan of the black bar that appears at the top of the page when you use Google, there’s a trick to getting rid of it.

Techno-net posted the following video showing it off (hat tip Barry Schwartz):

To use Google without the bar, you can simply add ?esrch=Agad::Public to the end of the URL. For instance, https://www.google.com/?esrch=Agad::Public. If you start from there, you can search like normal, and your experience will continue without the black bar.

So, if you really hate the black bar, I’d suggest bookmarking the link above, and start using that as your starting point for Google searches. Personally, I have no problem with the bar, and find that it helps to easily navigate to other services at times.

What do you think? Black bar or no black bar?

Techno-net also put up a video recently, showing off another navigation style Google is testing.