
Diana Nyad Receives Skepticism for her Swim

Diana Nyad has finally done it! She has completed her journey that included swimming from Cuba to Florida on her fifth try. However, what should be a joyous and historical occasion, has turned into an event that has skeptics doubting her.

The swimmer community is doubting that Nyad is the first person to complete the 110 mile swim without stopping. According to the rules that are set for this particular sport, the swimmer cannot touch anyone or anything that could aid them in resting. Also, there is supposed to be an observer that documents the swim. The skeptics are wanting to know all of the details from her 53 hours in the ocean.

“Because it’s a solitary sport and not watched live by many people, it’s important to record notes and take down documentation so when people ask the question, ‘Did you actually do this?’ you have evidence,” Evan Morrison of San Francisco told National Geographic.

Many skeptics are curious about a seven hour time frame where Nyad didn’t stop to eat or drink. They are wondering how she could make that swim without stopping to re-fuel her body.

“Is it possible she rested on the boat and she’s not telling us?” Morrison said.

Nyad was 28-years-old when she first attempted the swim. Now, at the age of 64, she has finally accomplished what she set out to do so many years ago. Hundreds of people lined the beach of Key West waiting for Nyad to complete her swim. Nyad said: ” “They’re not people reading a sports page every day. Those are human beings who want to witness the living out of that message, never, ever give up. And find a way. … And my age, they’re looking at me as a baby boomer, saying life is not over at this age by any means. So I’m more of, shall we say, human spirit story than I am a sports story.”

Until proven otherwise, Nyad has done what no other person has been able to do before, and she says that she was able to do it with her determination and her “never give up” attitude.

“I have to say, the journey was thrilling but the destination has brought tremendous internal satisfaction. I am so proud of my team, and I will admit I am also very proud of myself as well. Thanks for following. Thanks for all your encouragement over the years when we didn’t make it. Never ever give up!

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