
Dean McDermott Finally Defends Himself

Dean McDermott is not the most liked guy at the moment.

He has caused his wife Tori Spelling a lot of pain and sadness over the last few months, but in spite of everything that is going on, he says he is not the monster he is being portrayed as.

Dean and Tori seemed to have a happy marriage until it was rumored that Dean was cheating on Tori with another woman. Tori was heartbroken and the scandal has played out on the reality show True Tori.

Dean has admitted that the rumors are true and said that in December 2013 he did cheat on Tori. Tori has been trying to forgive Dean and is working to save their marriage, but things have been hard for the actress.

Dean said that he was wrong to cheat on Tori but said that just because he messed up, doesn’t mean he is a monster.

“You know, when you’re at the checkout and you look over and you see one of these magazines and it’s like, ‘Dean McDermott’s a monster,’ and I’m like, ‘No, I’m not a monster, I’m a human being and I messed up,’” he said on ET. “I messed up and I’m owning up to it and I’m getting help. But to label me a monster or evil is very hurtful.”

Dean has been trying to make it up to Tori and even went to rehab earlier this year, hoping it would make him a better husband.

Tori talks about the affair often and while she says she wants to move on from it, it seems like she can’t get over it.

Hopefully the couple can work things out and find happiness again, whether it is together or apart.