
Deadly New Virus Warning Issued, Confirmed Infections In Middle East

A deadly new virus has been making its way around the world, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a warning on the novel infection.

It’s being reported that a novel coronavirus, belonging to the same family as the common cold and the much deadlier SARS, has infected 14 people and killed eight. Most of those infected are from the Middle East – Arabia, Qatar and Jordan – but World Health officials have confirmed three cases of the new virus in Britain.

Symptoms brought on by the virus include acute respiratory illness, fever, a cough and shortness of breath. The virus can also be spread from person to person instead of other viruses that are spread from animals to people.

Fortunately, there have been no confirmed cases of infection in the U.S. yet. The threat it poses must not be that bad either as the WHO has yet to issue any travel restrictions.

Nevertheless, the CDC is following this new virus and providing regular updates on its whereabouts. You can check out all the details here.

[h/t: Reuters]