
Crystal Bowersox Comes Out via Song

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Crystal Bowersox released a Christmas song this year that not only tugs at the heartstrings, but also serves as an announcement of sort for the former American Idol runner up. I’m Coming Out for Christmas is a poignant look at a young woman calling home before the holidays and telling her mom in very uncertain terms that she’s gay.

Gayapolis News reports that the singer describes her coming out as “overwhelmingly positive.”

Bowersox was obviously an unknown when she burst onto the music scene via American Idol during season nine. She was the first female finalist on the singing competition in three years. Since her time on American Idol she has not only lost the dreadlocks she famously sported, but has also released two albums--Farmer’s Daughter was released back at the end of December 2010, and All That for This was released in March of 2013. Not all American Idol finalists–or even winners, for that matter–have had the kind of success Crystal Bowersox has enjoyed. Her crystal clear voice lends itself to her name and her lyrics are thought provoking and emotional.

Check out the lyrics to I’m Coming Out for Christmas in the following video:

Crystal Bowersox has also been cast as Patsy Cline on Broadway. The project has been delayed and didn’t get scheduled for this past summer as originally planned, but is in the works still for a future as yet unannounced date.

Kudos are no doubt going out from around the world to Crystal Bowersox from her fans on her coming out as well as on her huge success in the music world. How wonderful that her experience thus far–especially regarding her coming out–has been a positive one.

Image via Wikimedia