
Company Fires CFO Over Facebook Posts


Ladies’ apparel company Francesca’s Holdings just fired CFO Gene Morphis over questionable Facebook wall posts, according to a press release. The board of directors discovered Morphis’ mentioning of internal company intel on the social media site on May 11th, and hired an independent investigator to look into the matter. Morphis was let go, and in the interim, a search for a new CFO is ongoing, with Cynthia Thomassee, Francesca’s Vice President of Accounting taking the reigns for the time being.

And spectacularly, Morphis has yet to even set his Facebook Wall to private. Here are some of the more choice posts in question:





Who is Mr. Shorty? And though Morphis might have ‘earned his pay’ for the $275 million in secondary shares, homework or not, it didn’t seem too wise to be commenting on office fashion at a company which sells fashionable wares. Alas, people do stupid things all the time in the realm of social media.

In an age where some employers are even seeking employee Facebook passwords, one would think that at least setting walls to private might be pertinent. Still, many idiocies still occur, like the kid who tagged himself in a photo taken while he’d siphoned gas out of a police cruiser, the token Facebook fugitive, the various defamers, etc. One must remember that more often than not, employers are looking at Facebook.