
Comedy Central Launches Political Humor App.

Get it for free from iTunes, It’s Comedy Central’s “Indecision’ Election Companion” app, an iOS optimized political satire and humor download for iPhone and iPad. It’s an opportunity for users to voice political opinions, criticize candidates, and gain insight on the indecision communities collective opinion.

Mary Phillips-Sandy, Editorial Producer at Comedy Central’s Indecision commented on the new app:

“‘COMEDY CENTRAL’s Indecision’ coverage brings political humor to consumers with smart, witty commentary about the candidates, pundits and the political process itself. Launching the ‘Election Companion’ app will provide our fans with even more platforms to enjoy COMEDY CENTRAL’s election coverage throughout the campaign season.”

Comedy Central started their award-winning coverage of the election campaigns in 1992 with an Al Franken-hosted “State of the Union: Undressed. The success of the coverage secured Comedy Central as a mainstream alternative to conventional exposure of the election year events. Kind of a degenerate CNN.

If you are like me and are more fascinated by the shortcomings and idiosyncrasies of the candidates than their real commentary, you’ll love this new app. iPhone and iPad users have no excuse not to get it. Come on, it’s free!