
Comedian Gallagher Suffers Heart Attack

Comedy legend Gallagher, known for his watermelon-smashing antics, suffered a heart attack last night at a bar in Lewsiville, TX, just before he was set to take the stage.

Gallagher, born Leo Anthony Gallagher, 65, began to suffer intense chest pains moments before he was to perform. The owner of the club Hat Tricks called 911, and the prop comic was transported to a Dallas-area hospital.

Gallagher’s manager Craig Marquardo stated that the comic suffered a “mild to serious” heart attack, and remains hospitalized pending tests.

Roughly a year ago, Gallagher suffered a mild heart attack while performing at Whiskey Bone’s Roadhouse in Rochester, MN, directly after smashing a bottle of ketchup, as depicted in the video below.

A couple of weeks later, Gallagher told an audience – “I almost died two weeks ago … these are extra days that I’ve been given. I guess God said, ‘Wait a minute, Boca ain’t had their show yet.’ So it’s not me, it’s God’s will we have this show tonight. You can like God all you want to but I’m pissed at him … I had a heart attack while I was doing sledge-o-matic, which is gonna look great in the paper. But now I could die doing something stupid and my story won’t be as cool.”

Christine Scherrer, Gallagher’s promotional manager, says the comedian is sedated and “slowly recovering” after collapsing Wednesday night.