
CNN’s Twitter, Facebook Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Late Thursday night, CNN had a bunch of social media accounts hacked. The group responsible, the Syrian Electronic Army, announced their intent to “retaliate against CNN’s viciously lying reporting aimed at prolonging the suffering in Syria.”

According to CNN, “the affected accounts included CNN’s main Facebook account, CNN Politics’ Facebook account and the Twitter pages for CNN and CNN’s Security Clearance. Blogs for Political Ticker, The Lead, Security Clearance, The Situation Room and Crossfire were also hacked.” Here are the tweets that the SEA managed to post before CNN wrestled back control:

CNN has deleted all tweets and Facebook posts made while breached.

The SEA announced the hack, and gave their own reasons on Twitter:

CNN isn’t the first victim of the SEA – the group recently hacked Microsoft (again), and was the cause of a lengthy attack on the New York Times’ website last August.

Image via Twitter