
Cincinnati Policeman Fired for Using an AirTag to Stalk Ex

Cincinnati policeman Darryl Tyus has been fired for using an AirTag to stalk his ex, believed to be a sheriff’s deputy.

AirTags have “become the weapon of choice of stalkers and abusers,” resulting in a class-action lawsuit against Apple. The company has tried to address concerns, although it’s unclear how effective the attempts have been.

According to AppleInsider, the latest AirTag controversy comes courtesy of Darrly Tyus. Tyus had served on the Cincinnati Police Department for 15 years before using an AirTag to stalk his ex, who is believed to be a Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputy. It’s unclear which came first, the breakup or the stalking.

“What Darryl Tyus did by knowingly stalking a women, causing her to feel threatened and fear for her life, is the exact behavior our officers are sworn to prevent,” said Police Chief Teresa Theetge. “For the Cincinnati Police Department, the community’s trust is the foundation of what gives us the authority to perform our daily duties.”

“Tyus not only broke that trust, but he broke the law that he took an honorable oath to enforce,” she continued.

Apple clearly has a problem with its AirTags and only time will tell if the company is able to effectively combat stalkers. In the meantime, Google evidently thinks copying Apple is a good idea, with plans to launch its own AirTag rival.