
Christmas Puppies Are Cute Enough to Melt YouTube

If this doesn’t get you in the mood for Christmas, you’re a bigger Scrooge than the person the meaning behind the name came from. You’re an even bigger Grinch than Dr. Seuss’ and there’s little chance your heart will grow three sizes, unless the “dead tomato squashed with moldy purple spots” it’s comprised of was getting ready to explode.

What we have here is yet another exercise on how to make great user-generated content that fits the general theme of the public, and since we’re less than a week away from Christmas Day, this video is a fantastic example of fitting web content. In fact, I’d much rather watch something like this instead of Best Buy’s mean spirited “Game on, Santa” commercials. If they would create something like this, instead of “daddy don’t want no cologne” commercials, it might have a much more positive impact.

Or maybe I just like YouTube videos of puppies tearing through presents.

For what it’s worth, the Washington Post has also called out Best Buy for their choice of Christmas ads:

Best Buy, in particular, is running a terribly callous series of commercials called “Game On, Santa,” in which obsessed female shoppers purchase the gifts that their loved ones really want at Best Buy and then wait up on Christmas Eve to accost Santa Claus in their living rooms and gloat that they’ve already beat him to the punch. In your face, you outdated fat man with your outdated presents! [Emphasis mine]

Would the WaPo’s reaction be anywhere near as harsh if Best Buy dumped those ads and used puppies ripping into wrapped mobile devices instead? Of course not.

In other news, for all you web entrepreneurs out there who are wondering about effective methods to advertise your web site’s services in time for the Holidays, use the video as a step-by-step tutorial, adding whatever branding materials you deem necessary. Just don’t overdo with the brand placement.

It’s funny, these companies spend millions of dollars on their Holiday season ad campaigns when something much more simple like puppies and Christmas trees is much more effective, not to mention, probably a lot cheaper. At least the production costs.