
Chris Brown’s Probation Revoked After Hit-And-Run

A judge has revoked Chris Brown’s probation after a May traffic incident in which Brown was accused by another driver of a hit-and-run.

Brown–who served probation after his arrest for beating ex-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009–rear-ended a woman in L.A. in late May and allegedly became furious after she tried to take his photograph to document the accident when he refused to hand over his driver’s license. He sped away without giving her his contact info, so she filed the accident as a hit-and-run. However, two days later Brown sent someone to her house with his information, which included an expired insurance card for his Range Rover. His lawyers say they expect the traffic charges to be dropped and his probation reinstated.

However, Brown’s probation was already in question after District Attorney Jackie Lacey said the paperwork that was filed was sloppy and “fraudulent”, and claimed that often, there was no one to supervise Brown while he completed his hours of service. Lacey has asked that Brown be made to re-do his 1,400 hours of community service under the supervision of a new probation officer. As of now, he’s a free man, but he may face jail time for failing to produce his information during the traffic incident.

Though a body shop estimate puts the damage to the other driver’s car at almost $900, Brown says there was no damage at all and took to Twitter to vent his frustration about the entire incident.