Fueled by the recent success of the original Charmed television series on Netflix, CBS is looking into a reboot. It’s very early stages – the network has done nothing more than order a script for the pilot at this point, but that was enough to get Twitter abuzz as fans of the original series weighed in with their views on a remake:
So there is a charmed reboot in the works 😀 😀 we thank god
— Simply Reem (@PoetaAequitas) October 26, 2013
THEY’RE DOING A CHARMED REBOOT ? I’m crying, i’m really crying. better be good, this show was my entire like… http://t.co/3sPdXRRdTH
— sydney sage. (@Hindiana) October 26, 2013
A #CHARMED REBOOT SERIES?! MY FAVORITE SHOW EVER! I think they need to integrate @Alyssa_Milano @rosemcgowan & @H_Combs to be successful tho
— Chad Heller (@chdheller) October 26, 2013
I'm not sure about how I feel about a potential Charmed reboot, I loved the show, but I have a feeling the reboot will be terrible. #Charmed
— Krissy Lyn (@KLOSupernatural) October 26, 2013
Even me, the BIGGEST Charmed fan, doesn't want this MT @vulture: A reboot of Charmed is in the works at CBS. http://t.co/fBeDYoDyi6
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) October 25, 2013
Wtf is this about charmed reboot? Charmed 2.0? Unless it's the original cast or chris & wyatt spin off… no. Accept no substitutes!
— as you wish (@Pinky_Promise77) October 26, 2013
Oh, they better not be talking about a Charmed reboot! The original rocks and can't be replaced! http://t.co/YQV4pepXCY
— Grimoire of Kellz (@bookofkellz) October 26, 2013
The original series aired on the WB Network for eight seasons, from 1998 to 2006. Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan, and Holly Marie Combs starred as three good witch sisters residing in modern day San Francisco.
On Friday, Milano and McGowan expressed their thoughts on the news via Twitter:
The thing about them doing a #charmed reboot is… it just… it feels like yesterday. It feels too close.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 25, 2013
lame lame lame lamertons
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) October 25, 2013
It’s no surprise that CBS is looking into a reboot of the series – what insiders call a re-imagining of the original – since earlier this year, the NPD Group rated Charmed as the second most binge-watched series on subscription video on demand services such as Netflix and Amazon Instant Video. Prison Break took the top spot.
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