
Chad Ochocinco Rewards Ignored Twitter Follower

What do you get if you’re following an athlete who happens to be one of the most prolific Twitter users of the professional athlete ilk, and he’s ignored your replies, tweets, and retweets? If you can get the player’s attention, you might just get some NFL Playoff tickets out of the deal.

Just ask Victor Gonzalez, a heavy Twitter user in his own right, who happened to do just that.

Gonzalez is a student in Florida, and has been following Chad Ochocinco, wide receiver for the New England Patriots, on Twitter for two years and as never received a response from a player who’s has a reputation for interacting with his followers. On January 8th, Gonzalez posted the following tweet:

@ochocinco Been tweeting you for two years and have not ever gotten a response 5 days ago via via TweetCaster for iOS  · powered by @socialditto

Which, after two years of trying, Gonzalez was greeted with the following response:

Damn 2 years? My bad. Want to come to the game saturday? RT @Vic13NYY: Been tweeting you for two years and have not ever gotten a response 5 days ago via Seesmic · powered by @socialditto

From there, the story exploded. Once the gift was confirmed — that is, once Gonzalez was shown it was indeed really happening — the real fun began. You can follow all of Victor’s excitement over at his Twitter feed, it would be too much to embed all of it, but here are some of the highlights:

It’s going to be a hard week at work and school knowing what’s in store for me this weekend! #thanksOCHOCINCO 4 days ago via TweetCaster for iOS · powered by @socialditto

Talking to the lucky @vic13nyy at 6:30. He tells me exactly what happened via text and phone call with Ochocinco and his assistant. 21 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Have fun! RT @Vic13NYY: Headed to the airport now RT @fox25news: @Vic13NYY Did u get your flight info yet? http://t.co/PMKyDxRI 6 hours ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

Gonzalez even caught the attention of a random NFL groupie fan:

@Vic13NYY @HLNTV It pays to follow @Ochocinco on Twitter http://t.co/5H5nVmGG Does he dream up ways to make fans… http://t.co/SnX35tOJ 4 hours ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

I bet she was trying to get some tickets, too. All in all, it looks like Victor survived his trip from the warmth of Florida, to the winter conditions Boston has in store for him:

Just landed in Boston! Let the fun begin! 59 minutes ago via TweetCaster for iOS · powered by @socialditto

Maybe Gonzalez will survive the trip without seeing the Patriots get Tebow’d, a very real possibility.