
ChaCha.me Now Mobile

Question and answer social network ChaCha has added mobile functionality to its ChaCha.me service that launched in March.

Users are now able to ask and answer questions from their mobile devices and see the activity posted live to their ChaCha.me page and other social networks such as Facebook. Users can also get instant mobile alerts when someone else asks them a question, allowing responses while on the go.

Scott-Jones-ChaCha "Since we launched ChaCha.me just weeks ago, we have seen explosive growth.ChaCha.me is fully integrated with Facebook and Twitter, and now our users can interact through SMS texting," said Scott Jones, CEO of ChaCha.

"This is significant because now anybody with a Chacha.me account can answer questions anywhere within the ChaCha service."

Other new features include enabling bloggers and websites to get live feeds of Q&A content posted automatically to their own webpage or blog via simple widget that ties directly to their ChaCha.me profile. Along with Facebook, ChaCha.me also offers integration with Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress, and Blogger.

Other features coming soon to the social network include allowing ChaCha.me users to search all other users by demographic, location, gender and age. Users will also be able to post and find out what others are doing with a new "what are you doing now?" feature.