
Casey Anthony Mobbed by Media Circus

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Casey Anthony, the woman acquitted of the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, in 2011, today arrived at a federal courthouse in Florida to attend a bankruptcy hearing. As soon as she stepped from her car, she was swarmed by cameramen and microphones. Anthony wore large sunglasses and was escorted through the paparazzi by her lawyer, Cheney Mason.

One extremely confrontational reporter can be heard saying, “Did you get away with murder Casey?” and ” Do you think you’d be better off if you pay a price?”

Anthony was arriving at the courthouse for a bankruptcy hearing. She claims debts of almost $800,000, and recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. During the hearing, Anthony is expected to be questioned by a bankruptcy trustee and her creditors about her finances. She will also be asked questions about how she has been supporting herself in the past months.

Reports hold that Anthony has not held a job since the murder trial in 2011. During that time she has secluded herself in hiding, only occasionally being glimpsed in online videos. Today was the first time since the trial that she has appeared in public.