
Casey Anthony: Lawyer Speaks Beyond The Trial

Casey Anthony was in her early 20’s when her 2-year old daughter, Caylee, disappeared. A massive search began for the beautiful little girl, whose picture could be seen just about everywhere. Her face was soon burned into the minds of just about everyone who owned a television, and as the days went on, it became clear to some that little Caylee wasn’t going to be found alive. Suspicion soon turned to Casey, who lied to officials about where she worked and about the fact that her nanny had taken Caylee, and it didn’t take long for the death threats to begin. When Caylee’s remains were found in December of 2008, talk began of seeking the death penalty. After that, talk turned to plea deals, but Anthony wouldn’t hear of it, says Florida Attorney Cheney Mason.

“Casey got very angry about that. She got very angry to hear talk about it. She didn’t want to hear it. Casey would fight it ’til her last breath. She didn’t kill her daughter,” Mason said.

According to Mason–who spoke with Anthony on several occasions while she was incarcerated–Anthony fears for her safety and lives in virtual seclusion in Florida, afraid to live a normal life after being acquitted in 2011.

“She has to live constantly on guard. She can’t go out in public. I think Casey has a lot of world left to have to deal with. She hasn’t been freed from her incarceration yet ’cause she can’t go out. She can’t go to a beauty parlor, she can’t go shopping to a department store, she can’t go to a restaurant, she can’t even go to McDonald’s. She can’t do anything,” he said.

Added to Anthony’s concern is the paparazzi; TMZ reported that she was on a shopping trip soon after she was acquitted and had been spotted in Ohio. Her high profile case and the strong public reaction against her have kept her from speaking out, although Mason says he believes she wants to. For now, what happened to Caylee remains a mystery, although the remains were allegedly found with duct tape on the skull, which contributed to the homicide investigation. There was talk during the trial that Caylee might have drowned and Casey and her father, George, panicked and hid the evidence, but both denied that on the stand.

“I do think she wants to speak out. I have never asked her that, but I know she has very strong feelings for what has happened to her. I also know she’s very saddened by her loss and she will never forget her daughter Caylee, ever.”

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