
Casey Anthony Bankruptcy Hearing Being Held Today

Casey Anthony, the woman famously acquitted of the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony, is back in a Florida courtroom, this time to face a bankruptcy case. Anthony has been in hiding since the end of the trial, appearing only occasionally in videos posted online.

Anthony’s debts stem from the 2011 murder trial and fines levied against her for lying to police about the whereabouts of her daughter. She recently filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, claiming she is almost $800,000 in debt.

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that during today’s bankruptcy hearing Anthony will answer questions from a bankruptcy trustee and her creditors about her finances.

Anthony has been unemployed since the end of the murder trial in July 2011. Part of today’s questioning will concern who has been supporting her since that time. Also, rumors of a book deal for Anthony’s story could play into the hearing, an if true could prevent her from being declared bankrupt.

Cameras will not be allowed in the Federal Courthouse where the bankruptcy hearing is being held.