
“Casablanca” Sequel Could Hit Theaters


“Casablanca” is widely considered to be one of the best films classic Hollywood has to offer, with its iconic imagery and quotable lines which have snaked their way into pop culture’s consciousness. And now, some 70 years later, there might be a follow up.

Apparently Howard Koch, one of the screenwriters of the original film, penned a sequel focused on the 20-something son of Ilsa and Rick–as well as the search for her lost love–but never did anything with it. When he let film producer Cass Warner read it before his death in 1995, she says, she was immediately gripped by it.

“It was just gold,” Warner said. “When he pulled that out and showed it to me, I almost fainted.”

Warner, who is the granddaughter of Warner Brothers co-founder Harry Warner, knew right away that she had something good. The problem was, Warner Brothers didn’t think they’d be able to find the right director and passed on it. But she hasn’t given up despite the protests of people like Stephen Bogart, son of Humphrey.

“There are certain films, like The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind and, of course, Casablanca, that need to stay as pristine and perfect as they are,” he said.