
Cartoon Characters Die Strange Deaths in Berlin Art Exhibit

I call this one “Hangy the Pooh”.

These pictures are taken from a Berlin art show titled “Broken Heroes”, by Patricia Waller. These crocheted wonders are sure to give you nightmares at any age.

“This show is about heroes and failure,” the 49-year-old said to Spiegel. “Heroes serve a role model function that reflects our longing for something special, but I wanted to show what happens when they fail.” Waller said she was inspired by “the temporary cult of stardom” and the fleeting fame brought on by reality TV shows.

Waller spent two years creating the concept and crafting the crocheted pieces. She says she intentionally juxtaposed the “stuffy housewife art form of crochet with cutting irony.” According to her, people enjoy seeing well-known characters in unexpected situations.


I call this one “Sponge-Bomb Explodey-Pants.”


The artist told Spiegel these tragic figures are supposed to inspire laughter that quickly turns to discomfort as people start to question what could have driven them to despair.


“Sandman” is a popular East German bedtime show. He is seen here overdosing on sleeping pills. The artists description says the overwhelming responsibility of creating children’s dream resulted in a “profound depression”.


The artist says Pinocchio is contemplating cutting his nose off. That would have been more clear if he was carrying a saw…


Swiss character William Tell takes an arrow to the eyeball.


Superman loses his powers mid-flight and crashes into a building. His cape remains perfectly unfurled, as though still in mid flight. Probably too much starch. Zing!


The artist said she was “no longer able to cope” with identity problems, as she is a victim of “relentless commercialization”. Seen here committing seppuku.


Spiderman tangled in his own web… of lies!!! I don’t know.


The most shocking of Waller’s creations is “Rape Victim Minnie”. She says Minnie represents the “embodiment of innocence.” Her rape has symbolic meaning, says Waller.

Gallery viewers have been appalled by this last work, a fact the Waller doesn’t understand: “I have been stunned to hear so many people say that they were really moved by this,” Waller said. “I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do that with these kinds of works, but it’s nice to know you can still inspire that kind of reaction.”

Really? She didn’t think a graphic image of Minnie Mouse, post-rape, would cause a reaction?

[h/t: the daily]