
Carrie Fisher: Daughter Billie Lourd to Appear in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

Carrie Fisher can truly say, “Like mother, like daughter,” with regard to her daughter Billie Lourd. The 23-year-old will appear in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it hits theaters later this week. She even mirrors the iconic Princess Leia hairstyle of the previous films.

Lourd doesn’t play Carrie Fisher’s daughter in the film, but since she has long been a diehard Star Wars fan, she was thrilled to simply get a role.

“I made [my mom] watch it at least once a week–and on special occasions I would make her get in a lightsaber fight with me,” the 23-year-old Scream Queens star says. “Let’s just say the more trained Jedi usually won.”

Billie Lourd is proud of the example Carrie Fisher set in the films.

“When I saw the [original] movie for the first time, I noticed my mom was not only equally as confident and strong as the men, she was one of the most confident characters in the entire film,” she said said. “It made me realize women are just as powerful as men and that we can truly do anything they can–if not more!”

Lourd’s character’s name in the film has yet to be revealed, but she admits her mother’s character–Princess Leia–is an inspiration for her own.

Will you be checking out Carrie Fisher and her daughter in Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it opens in theaters on December 18?