
Cadbury Makes a Scrumdiddlyumptious Chocolate Cake that Looks Just Like Their Google+ Page

Cadbury UK loves their Google+ page so much that they made chocolate bars for the page’s co-founders and a chocolate cake that looks just like the Google+ page. The cake is so ornate that you would think the Cake Boss made it.

The artist of this masterpiece is Prudence, a british chocolate artist. She says that she has a dream job because she “gets to play with chocolate all day and then eat it.”

The cake’s layers of solid chocolate make it heavy, heavenly, and rich. Everything on the cake is edible.

Prudence put the finishing touches on the cake while the process was was broadcasted through a Google+ On Air hangout. The artisan and her co-host were joined by a panel of viewers across the region who were invited to make suggestions about what the message on the cake should say. They were also given the opportunity to ask Prudence how she made some of her other concoctions.

One female audience member said that she thought it was cool that Cadbury asked customers for their input and that this experience would make her more loyal to the brand.

Google+ On Air is a valuable forum that companies can use to interact with customers. They can hold mini-sessions, run focus groups, host fun events like this one, and much more.