
‘Buy Now’ Button Spotted In Tweets

electronic devices

It looks like Twitter users may soon be able to purchase items directly from tweets. And after the launch of mobile app-install ads, why not?

A “Buy Now” has been spotted within the Twitter mobile app. Re/code shows tweets with the button apparently coming from a shopping app called Fancy. The same tweets are not displaying the button on the desktop.

As Jason Del Ray reports, “It would be difficult, if not impossible, for Fancy to include “Buy now” buttons in a tweet without Twitter’s approval. So it’s likely that in-tweet shopping is here, or coming soon.”

This would open up the door for all kinds of ecommerce businesses to facilitate transactions from tweets, making for some major impulse buying.

Amazon recently started letting customers add items to their carts using Twitter hashtags, but an actual “buy now” button would take things up a significant notch.

Neither Twitter nor Fancy are commenting on the buttons, which apparently only worked for a short time. If anything it appears to be a test at this point, but it’s looking like Twitter may soon offer businesses a real new opportunity to sell products directly.

This could be big news for mobile shopping.

Image via Twitter