
Bristol Palin Defended By Her Mother After Brawl

The former United States vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has finally spoken out about her daughter’s “drunken brawl,” defending her and calling her her “straight-shooter.”

Two weeks ago, Bristol was accused of punching her sister’s ex-boyfriend during an all out brawl that involved nearly 20 people. Sarah came to Bristol’s defense, calling her one of the “strongest young women you will ever meet.”

An eyewitness explained that Sarah’s son Track started the fight by punching the ex-boyfriend. Bristol then joined in, getting in several good punches, while Sarah reportedly screamed “Do you know who I am?!”

After the media caught wind of the Palins’ involvement in the fight, Sarah took to her personal Facebook page to defend her daughter.

“I love my Bristol! My straight-shooter is one of the strongest young women you’ll ever meet. I have to say this as a proud mama: right up there with their work ethic and heart for those less fortunate, my kids’ defense of family makes my heart soar!” Sarah wrote, and added several pictures of Bristol shooting a rifle.

“As you can imagine, they and my extended family have experienced so many things (liberal media-driven) that may have crushed others without a strong foundation of faith, and I’m thankful for our friends’ prayer shield that surrounds them, allowing faith to remain their anchor,” she added. “Thank you, prayer warriors! I love you!”