
Breaking Bad: Go Inside Last Night’s Explosive Episode [VIDEOS]

Thar be spoliers ahead…

Wow. That episode. It seems like Breaking Bad, a show that gained an early reputation for careful, deliberate exposition, is now hurdling toward some insane conclusion at a mind-bending pace. So many things are happening, and it’s just a thrill to be on the ride . You know, other than the fact that my nails are in rough shape. Relaxing, that show is not.

Anyway, if you’re not ready to give up Breaking Bad for another week, AMC has kindly released a few bonus looks at the powerful “Confessions” episode.

First, here’s AMC’s inside look at last night’s episode:

And here’s their “making of” featurette:

And of course, here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up in the next episode, entitled “Rabid Dog”:

[Image via YouTube]