
Boy/Dog Naptime: Your Daily Cute

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When mom and blogger Jessica Shyba rocked her baby boy Theo to sleep one day and their new puppy, Beau, got in on the action, she snapped a photo. Little did she know, the picture would lead to many others, and they would go viral.

Theo and Beau have a special bond, and Shyba says that Beau waits for Theo to begin his naptime every day so that he can snuggle up with him.

“On his third day with us, Theo fell asleep on Beau as I rocked him down for his afternoon nap,” Shyba wrote. “I was practically howling at the cuteness-and nearly woke them both up. The following day, Theo met us up in my room for the nap time ritual, and so began what I can only describe as the most organic and beautiful friendship I have ever witnessed. Each day, Theo meets us at naptime and waits patiently for Beau to fall asleep. By that time, he’s also sleepy, so when I hoist him onto our bed, he stumbles over to Beau and plops right down on top of him. And there they sleep, entwined, for at least two hours…Every day, another sweet nap. Sweeter than nearly anything I think I’ve ever seen or experienced. These moments I not only look forward to, but if I avoid any possibly opportunity to thwart the sacred puppy and boy nap.”






Images: Instagram