
Biz Stone’s Jelly Gets An Update


It’s been about two months since we last reported on any significant updates to Biz Stone’s Jelly app (other than the the company finally getting the @Jelly Twitter handle).

Stone had promised that a bunch more features were on the way. Today, Jelly announced a “substantial” update for the iOS app.

“You can ask with your camera, you can ask with a decidedly familiar blank white space, and now, you can ask using an interactive map of the world,” he explains. “We’ve designed a better way to ask questions—simple, visual, and interactive. The better the question, the better the answers.”

Jelly — A Better Way To Ask A Question from Jelly Industries, Inc. on Vimeo.

“We released Jelly almost three months ago,” says Stone. “Since then, we’ve learned so much just by paying attention to how people use the service. The single most exciting thing we learned was simply that Jelly works. Reimagining the way we submit queries and get answers based on the idea that helping people is fundamental to the human condition was a big bet.”

Stone has also hinted at a potential search feature, which could also be its path to revenue.

Jelly raised a new round of funding from Greylock Partners in January,

Image via Vimeo